5 Ways to Do Your Best Work

1 min readOct 8, 2020


Our SoCal native, ad-tech expert CEO, Alex Merutka returns as an AppiCamper to share a few of his personal productivity tips in his Campfire Stories feature with YouAppi. AppiCampers, as they are cleverly coined, are app marketing experts across the space who write in to share a little bit about themselves, their experiences, and some helpful advice for readers to take away.

Especially in uncertain and ever-fluctuating times, we all find ourselves becoming more introspective, trying to navigate the world around us while balancing the flux of our daily lives. Alex dives into a pivot point in his career to illustrate the ways he finds he gets the most out of himself, personally and professionally.

Read 5 Ways to Do Your Best Work by Alex Merutka on the YouAppi blog: 5 Ways to Do Your Best Work




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